I started this study trying to figure out why there wasn't very much information about teenage miscarriages. I found a lot strictly on miscarriages and a lot on preventing teen pregnancy but found very little information on teen miscarriages.
I decided to ask several students at my school who have experienced a miscarriage to participate in my study. Four of them responded. I wanted to extend my purpose to not only try to get the word out to health care professionals and other adults, but also to help other teens who found very little informative websites, books, ect. I want them to know that it does get better.
Before I could interview these four students I needed to write a parent permission form because of the sensitivity of the subject. The next thing I did was get a tape recorder and sit down privately with each student to get their opinion and story about what they had gone through and ways it could have been different. I listened to the interviews several times, making sure I knew every last bit of information. I needed to figure out what all these students had been "missing" throughout their miscarriage experience.